Protect active transportation funding from decisions made in Washington DC and restore access to active transportation funding here in North Carolina.
We need your voice now!
At the National Level,
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has announced plans to freeze discretionary grants that are not fully obligated—specifically those connected to biking, transportation programs, and certain technology investments. This could affect important projects across North Carolina, including funding for sidewalks, greenways, trails, and other transportation improvements.
We need North Carolina’s Senators and Representatives to push back against this funding freeze and state legislative changes that would allow NCDOT to fund active transportation projects.
Contact your Senators and urge them to demand transparency from USDOT and to protect all funding for active transportation projects:
- Senator Thom Tillis – Contact his legislative assistant Lauren Medlin: or (202) 224-6342.
- Senator Ted Budd – Contact his legislative assistant Jacob Dunklin: or (202) 224-3154.
You may also sign the League of American Bicyclists’ petition to support active transportation here.
At the State Level,
Proposed changes to G.S. 136-189.10(2)g. and G.S. 136-189.11(d)(3)c. would remove restrictions on state financial support for independent bicycle and pedestrian projects. These updates would allow the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to use federal and local funds to support walking and biking projects, making it easier for municipalities to invest in better transportation options.
For years, state law has blocked NCDOT from funding stand-alone bicycle and pedestrian projects, leaving communities without the resources they need to improve safety and connectivity. Right now H282 would restore flexibility for local governments to access state funding for critical infrastructure improvements.
Find and contact your state representatives using BikeWalk NC’s 2025 Advocacy Manual, to ask them to support the change requested in H282 here in North Carolina.
Act now—contact your representatives today! Together our voices are strong.