Wow, we are so excited that NCDOT in their NC Transportation Now weekly video promotes bicycle and pedestrian safety for May – Bike Month. Thanks Deputy Secretary Mike Charbonneau! We are so excited because they took footage from our volunteers working on additional safety videos to show:
- bicyclists riding two-abreast (which makes bicyclist more visible and thus is safer much of the time and easier to pass when in group formation)
- that all road users should share the road, avoid distractions, and that we all take a role in being safe
- that vehicles must yield to pedestrians
Most importantly, NCDOT reiterates that Bicyclists May Use Full Lane (BMUFL). So important for safety so we can:
- be more visible
- signal to motorists to change lane to pass (when lane is too narrow to same lane pass)
- avoid debris along shoulder
- turn left
Let’s all get out this month and promote bicycling and bicycling safety!